venerdì 9 luglio 2010

Randomize InterpolateColorMaterial

Randomize InterpolateColorMaterial is a script that assigns randomly selected objects, a color caused by the interpolation of two colors chosen by the user.
On inspiration script Pinkify of Biothing.

It was used for the presentation of the project "OoPS" in the variant with lacquered boards, designed by the group me[A]lab.

giovedì 8 luglio 2010

Randomize material and color

These two scripts allow us to assign to a set of projections, three materials randomly.
The first awards three materials of different color, chosen by the user.

intMat = Rhino.AddMaterialToObject (strObj)
Rhino.MaterialColor intMat, RGB(Rx, Gx, Bx)

The second divides the objects in three layers, so you can easily assign many materials defined by user.

Rhino.ObjectLayer strObj, "A"

Fcn_Rnd3Mat 1.rvb

martedì 4 maggio 2010

Colorize by coordinates

Another script that works with gradient colors.
This script interpolates two colors, given the coordinates of the geometries.

Fcn_ColorByCoordinate v 1.2

lunedì 12 aprile 2010

Working with colors

A simple script that works with gradient colors.
The colors are imporant to understand the information in complex systems.

rhinoscript syntax used to create this routine are:
Rhino.GetColors ([lngColor])
Rhino.ObjectColor (arrObjects, lngColor)
Rhino.ColorRedValue (lngRGB)
Rhino.ColorBlueValue (lngRGB)
Rhino.ColorGreenValue (lngRGB)

some link:
Kuler is a helpfull tool to create a color theme
RGB - HSL and HSV color model

giovedì 28 gennaio 2010

@rchitetende blog is opened

this is my first post, hello world!
i'm an Architect from Sardinia and i'm going to start posting my work in progress on the blog soon